Communication Afrique Destinations

ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT /PROFILE: Omer Kokou-Tchri, founder of the Africa Sustainable Development Board (ASDB)

The Africa Sustainable Development Board (ASDB) is a private club of experts, business organisations, and friends dedicated to Africa's sustainable development in the form of collaborative, win-win approaches to benefit all the important parties in this dynamic. According to the Founder, Omer Kokou-Tchri. The United Kingdom arm is ASDB GROUP UK LIMITED. Now more than ever, this project is needed as we need to mitigate the unknown challenges that 2020 has brought and find a way to build upwards in the years ahead”. 

Over the last few months, we have learnt that no matter how advanced our technology and understanding have become, our way of life, and what we choose to do in our lives, may never be the same again. We have experienced an unbelievable number of changes in recent months, some of which could almost seem laughable to us before the upsurge of Covid-19. Consequently, these last few months have been challenging, unpredictable and unprecedented; however, the lessons we have learnt and the things we have overcome are still looming’’.  Therefore, the ‘’repercussions that this pandemic brings will be on our shoulders for the rest of our lives with the accomplishments remaining in the back of our minds, steering us into the right direction and helping us pursue what we truly believe’’. 

Keeping this in mind, he pledges to present a simple business model, and social responsibility and change the formula. In fact, the ASDB truly believes that the ideas formed on superficial beauty, sound judgement, fairness and integrity, and embedded in universal values, have the most potential to grow and mature into something wondrous. 

Omer Kokou-Tchri, fondateur du Conseil du Développement Durable en Afrique (CDDA)
Omer Kokou-Tchri, founder of the Africa Sustainable Development Board (ASDB)

A man of visionThe founder, Omer Kokou-Tchri, originates from a combination of countries and cultures such as multiple parts of Africa, Britain and Switzerland. He is a Social and Political activist and has been a politically elected local leader, who has sat on the strategy and resources and financial planning committees in Surrey, United Kingdom. He also has a creative and political background for over 20 years and has now decided to choose a different journey. To give you further insight into his vision, please find the following conversation he had with his boy Efia (King) below: 

'"Dad, you are getting old, I can see all your grey hair! I have a question for you, though." I replied, "shoot!" 
"I don't know if you believe in reincarnation, but if you come back, what would you do differently; what piece of wisdom would you take forward?" 
I paused for a second before saying "Oh ghee. Let me give it to you raw: perhaps I will come back as a rock, but even such that is quite a metaphor. A rock bears in the worst of weather and no matter what finds a way to maintain and survive. Whatever I may come back as it most certainly will be a black." “I do not want anyone to misunderstand what I am saying. I am proud to be black but the shackles that we carry, that we hold due to our vicious and cruel pasts are sometimes too much to bear. I wonder how long it will take us to be truly free of such a heavy clasp. Not only this, but our own scars and worn clothes weigh us down. How long will it take for our scars to heal and our clothes to become clean?”

A word for now?
The conversation I had with Mr Kokou-Tchri was quite fascinating. As we go along, we will be unveiling each part of the topic to share with you. One thing that is for sure is that he needs to be listened to. There are a few sons and daughters of Africa that, for many years now, have been away from their homes. They have an abundance of wealth ready to give freely, to be taped into globally and certainly by Africa. I was amazed by a few words of wisdom Mr Kokou-Tchri shared and for this introduction, I have asked: we will be speaking about Economic development strategies to be embraced by some African countries. But for now, what words do you have for not only our African audiences but also our global audience?
Mr Kokou-Tchri, dropped his eyes, for a silent moment then lifted them, adjusted his spectacles and looked at me straight and said:

“Ghee, I have lots, but like anything, there is always the beginning and the continuity. I say COURAGE! There is a way to go, but I hope that it will be done. The last couple of years that we have been through have been hard and no one knows what part of the global journey we are at now, first, Globalisation challenges, the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Russia and Ukraine Conflict, Food and Energy Crisis on a certain part of the world, Global Climate change with many specific calamities to the African Continent, Food security and many other geopolitics factors specifically to the west coast of Africa to name few of the challenges we face. These should never be ignored; we all need to come together, hands in hand, and embrace these challenges and each one of us needs to play our roles to work toward a better future.”

“I believe many countries in Africa have a wonderful future; I am Optimist and we will assist ourselves with this journey”

“I say to the elders, engage with the next generation, your children are your legacy. Do more than what you could have seen possible and get behind that. If not to be too much; Do not be “Baton dans les roues” for them, and try not too much to be in competition with them, as it will be the highest counter-proactive one could engage in. This new generation is very intelligent, more than you could imagine, they just need someone to hold their hands to safe ground in the journey.”

Omer Kokou-Tchri
Omer Kokou-Tchri

“To the self-saboteurs of our own bliss: so little, could be said as if the last two years could have taught us anything at all. The picture is clear for anyone to see, and it can be explained in the form of a plumbing system. Anyone who has a plumbing system knows that from time to time there can be blockage of the piping system and at some point, it will halt everything so you can’t even flush your toilet. In this part of the world that I reside in now, should one face this situation, there are lots of solutions to flush out these blockages, these cloggers. People, who do not have the luxury, of what we call a necessity, are not Excepted, of this level of wisdom. In many slumps, of some developing countries, you will see poor people living, sleeping, eating if they can find the food, and so on these slumps, they have been condemned to live in and they are resigned to accepting everything as it is.”

“So, I believe it is something we really need to reflect on. The 21st century is giving us lots, and I strongly believe we can be better than what we are now, and do the bests for all of us and for our planet and our humanity, in harmony and prosperity for us all.

Par Serge Babylas de SOUZA

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Communication Afrique Destinations