Communication Afrique Destinations

WORLD/AFRICA-BRAZIL: Eliana Oliveira highlights fashion as the greatest economic power on the African continent

Eliana Oliveira highlights the economic potential of countries on the African continent in Brazil, and in countries in Europe, the United States and Africa. Through communication and relationships with the existing market within the creative fashion industry that exists in each African country. She is in charge of Magazine Le Afrique style Brazil as Chief Editor and Fashion Editor specializing in multicultural fashion created in African countries. Through countless research and studies within this promising market, she came to the conclusion that fashion is indeed a great diamond for Africans to polish. She is the representation of power that gives voice to the African lifestyle in Brazil.

The Magazine was a project created by her, with the aim of having an African magazine in the publishing market that speaks to readers. Bringing the best content from Africa to Brazil and other countries. Preserving African ancestry, recognizing in each story the past, the present and especially the future. Highlighting in each country on the African continent the best that exists in each place and the economic power coming from the fashion industry. Reaffirming in each new edition “The Africas that humanity does not know”. Le Afrique Magazine style Brazil is a world with African roots. Which she reaffirms through coverage of the fashion weeks that take place on the African continent. It reveals that within the economic sector that exists in countries on the African continent, fashion is one of the areas with the greatest potential for growth. At the South African fashion week that took place recently, it was an invitation for those looking to discover and invest in the creative fashion produced at the biggest fashion week in Africa. SA Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2024 is recognized in the international fashion industry market as the shopping mall of Africa. For establishing a unique launch, support and marketing platform that exists within the South African fashion industry. She is responsible for launching great African fashion talents into the international fashion market. Stating that there is an authorial, creative fashion that is on par with the international fashion that exists within the fashion circuit in Milan, New York and Paris. For those who are not yet familiar with this fashion route around the world, know that these fashion weeks generate billions in the global fashion market. New York Fashion Week (NYFW) is considered the epicenter of urban and contemporary fashion. Paris Fashion Week (PFW) is the birthplace of haute couture and timeless elegance. And Milan Fashion Week (MFW), as the Italian style that combines tradition and innovation. We also have; London Fashion Week (LFW), which is a celebration of creativity and diversity. Japan Fashion Week Tokyo is the vanguard of Japanese fashion, marked by innovation and experimentation. Australian Fashion Week , which is Australia's vibrant and diverse fashion scene. And in Brazil, São Paulo Fashion Week (SPFW), which is the biggest Brazilian fashion event, known worldwide for its authenticity and cultural diversity.

And Africa, where is it on this fashion list ? Where is Africa's creative economic power? I answer. In creative fashion produced in each African country. What's missing for African fashion to join this global list? Fashion is part of the ancestral culture rooted in all its spheres. Each African creation brings in its concept the past, present and future in various colors, shapes, textures, prints, cuts, which reveal stories that are told in each collection, without ceasing to dictate a new trend each season. This is the true African fashion that today has its fashion and authorial calendar that is present and permanent in countries that hold their fashion week with pride and professionalism, opening up new possibilities and opportunities for stylists, designers, models, photographers, producers of fashion, that is, an entire production chain that is part of this universe. These professionals generate billions in the economy within this very competitive sector that is global fashion. And seeing the evolution of South African fashion with each new edition is reaffirming that it is increasingly global.

The road may be long, but African designers have already proven that they can take Africa to the top of the fashion world. Of course, we already have African designers taking part in the biggest fashion weeks in the world. But African fashion week is not yet firmly included in this global list. I allowed myself to carry out this fashion itinerary, in several African countries, because I believe in the potential that exists in each African fashion market. It was difficult, not impossible, to see that there is multicultural and unique fashion in each country. Without forgetting to highlight the creators of this major fashion event in each country, which aims to carry out this fashion calendar. African fashion weeks are in fact a business card, which can also be included in a tourist itinerary, where business in the tourism sector can be further strengthened. Africa cannot be seen worldwide as a place of wild tourism, where modern civilization has not yet arrived, among other negative issues publicized in other countries. Africa is much more than that, for me it is a world of great economic possibilities. And fashion is this polished diamond with each new fashion week held by these great professionals who are at the forefront of this fashion calendar in their country. I know perfectly well that the diamond that the world has in its hands is in this Africa, rich in values, cultures, ancestries, business, technology, tourism, beliefs, among other things. But the world needs to look at this giant diamond that is African fashion.

Lucilla Booyzen is the fashion icon in South Africa, she is the soul of South African fashion week, responsible for illuminating the creative minds in the country. A woman who created an authentic style of African creative fashion, marking history over a 27-year history. Being responsible for several professionals and brands in South Africa that emerge, revealing the creative fashion that is transforming the African and international market. My vision regarding the fashion market on the African continent has always been clear and realistic on several issues, which I highlight here. Where each country has its fashion week, a business circuit that boosts the national market. I could see this in Namibia at Katutura Fashion Week, Tanzania at Swahili Fashion Week, Fancy Internacional Fashion Show in Mozambique, Africa Fashion Week Nigeria in Nigeria, among other countries, where I have been studying and dedicating myself to research, markets over the years , within the fashion industry on the African continent. This project created by me, the fashion roadmap in Africa, is just a path that I am taking independently to bring to Brazil the best that exists within this African market. To be providing exclusive coverage of the fashion weeks taking place in Africa and opening up new possibilities for business and social engagement so that the Brazilian people can see this Africa that, although it is far from us, is more present than we can imagine. African fashion is in everything, everywhere, whether in fabrics, colors, textures, prints, or simply through the cultural stories described in the pieces we can see around. And seeing South African fashion is having this power within this very competitive scenario that is global fashion. Yes, we can see that there is great economic power within this sector, coming through the hands of these great designers who bring the best of creative African fashion to the market. And that this African fashion is indeed a great global and economic power for each African country. I believe and want to see this fashion produced in Africa soon, carrying the following phrase “ Made In Africa” on its labels for the entire global fashion market. And Eliana Oliveira, to conclude.   

By Julianna Motta

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Communication Afrique Destinations