Communication Afrique Destinations

TOURISM/CHAD – INTERVIEW WITH NASSOUR ALI KENDY: “...Chad Volunteers Organization actively contributes to the promotion of Chadian heritage”

Chad Volunteers Organization is a very ambitious and proactive NGO on the ground in terms of promoting tourism heritage and protecting the environment in Chad. And its activities shine a spotlight on the country. Through this Interview with Nassour Ali Kendy, its Coordinator, AFRIQUE Destinations sheds light on its genesis and motivations. Read instead.

AFRIQUE Destinations: Mr. Nassour Ali Kendy, you are the Coordinator of Chad Volunteers Organization, can you tell us about the genesis of your NGO?

Mr. Nassour Ali Kendy: Chad Volunteers Organization has its roots in a simple English club, a space where young Chadians met regularly to improve their mastery of the English language. This club, initially modest, was driven by a shared passion for learning and discovery. Over time, the group's discussions evolved, transcending linguistic boundaries to address broader topics, including the rich natural and cultural heritage of Chad.

It was in this context that some members of the club, inspired by their love for their country, began to think about how they could contribute to its promotion. They were deeply aware that Chad, despite its countless natural and cultural treasures, remained largely unknown, both by its own inhabitants and by the international community. Driven by a desire for change, these young people decided to take action.

What are the different activities of Chad Volunteers Organization?

Chad Volunteers Organization carries out various activities that reflect its commitment to the promotion and preservation of Chadian heritage, as well as its support of local communities. Here is an overview of their main activities:

1. Visits and discoveries: Members of Chad Volunteers explore Chad's many natural and cultural attractions, including national parks and protected areas. These visits not only allow you to discover the richness of the country, but also to promote these sites so that Chadians and the international community become more aware of them.

2. Environmental awareness: During these visits, Chad Volunteers emphasizes the protection of the environment and biodiversity. The organization raises awareness among participants and local communities of the importance of preserving natural ecosystems, combating desertification, and sustainable management of natural resources.

3. Community activities: Each visit is an opportunity to provide concrete support to local communities living near the sites visited. Chad Volunteers works in schools, women's cooperatives, and health centers, where they distribute school supplies, cleaning products, mosquito nets, and other essential items. These actions aim to encourage communities to take ownership of these spaces and leave a lasting impact of their passage.

4. Promotion of dialogue and understanding: In addition to material support actions, Chad Volunteers also organizes football matches and other sporting activities. These events are designed to promote dialogue and social cohesion between young people from different communities, thus strengthening social bonds and the spirit of solidarity.

Through these activities, Chad Volunteers Organization actively contributes to the promotion of Chadian heritage, while providing essential support to local populations and strengthening community relations.

On October 11, 2023, through a press briefing you announced the launch of your tourism project called “𝑻𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑫𝑼 𝑻𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑫: 𝑨̀ 𝒍𝒂 𝒅𝒆́𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒗 𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒅𝒊”. What exactly is it about?

Chad is a country rich in millennia-old history and culture, as well as exceptional nature. We are convinced that this country has tourist potential, immense cultural and natural, which still needs to be discovered and developed. This is why we Chad Volunteers Organization, in partnership with the national office for the promotion of tourism, crafts and arts ONPTA, have decided to launch a tourist activity which will tour Chad, because our two organizations are committed to the mission of promoting Chad and its natural and cultural wonders. This activity, called Tour of Chad, discovering Biladi", will allow participants to discover the main tourist attractions of each province of the country. The Project consists of organizing a series of trips across the 23 provinces of Chad. Participants will visit national parks, tourist and historical sites, towns and villages and highlight all the tourist, natural and cultural attractions of the visited province. They will meet local populations, public and traditional authorities, and will discuss with them. their traditions and ways of life and imbibe our rich heritage.

Your project aims to discover the tourist attractions of the 23 provinces of Chad and promote them nationally and internationally. If you are already doing it nationally, what about internationally?

Our project effectively aims to discover and promote the tourist attractions of the 23 provinces of Chad, both at the national and international level. For now, our efforts are mainly focused on the national level. There is still much to do to raise awareness among Chadians of the richness of their natural and cultural heritage, and we have therefore chosen to focus our resources and activities on this objective.

That said, our work is already starting to attract attention across borders. Many expatriates actively participate in our activities, which demonstrates a growing international interest. In addition, we are in contact with several international NGOs, and some of our partners are established in different countries. These relationships pave the way for future expansion of our initiatives internationally.

Although our priority is currently to develop and strengthen our actions in Chad, we are certainly considering exporting our model and our activities to other countries in the future. For now, our focus remains on Chad, but we keep in mind the possibility of sharing our experience and expertise beyond our borders when the time is right.

You had also, in the past, already organized a sanitation day in collaboration with the Ounianga Town Hall and the Youth Association for the Development of Ounianga (AJDO), dedicated to cleaning Lake Ounianga. Beyond Tourism, Chad Volunteers Organization is also interested in the Environment…

Chad Volunteers Organization has always had a mission that goes far beyond promoting tourism. Our commitment to the environment is a fundamental pillar of our activities. Chad, with its exceptional natural riches, deserves special attention not only for its beauty, but also for its preservation.

The example of our collaboration with the Ounianga Town Hall and the Youth Association for the Development of Ounianga (AJDO) to organize a cleanliness day at Lake Ounianga perfectly illustrates this commitment. This lake, a true jewel for the region, attracts many visitors, but this tourist influx has unfortunately led to an accumulation of waste, endangering the integrity of this unique site.

Chad Volunteers Organization therefore decided to act. This initiative was not simply a clean-up operation. It represented our desire to preserve the environment and raise awareness among local communities and visitors of the importance of conservation. By working closely with local authorities and young people committed to sustainable development, we were able to restore Lake Ounianga to its original splendor while educating participants on sustainable waste management practices.

Beyond this specific event, Chad Volunteers Organization regularly carries out environmental protection awareness actions throughout Chad. We will continue to work so that Chad remains an example of preservation and enhancement of its natural heritage, both nationally and internationally.

What are the relationships with the Ministry of Tourism on the one hand and the Ministry of the Environment on the other and what are their contributions in supporting your activities?

Chad Volunteers Organization maintains excellent relations with the Ministry of Tourism as well as the Ministry of the Environment. These two institutions are key partners in carrying out our activities.

On the one hand, our first partner is the National Office for the Promotion of Tourism, Crafts and the Arts (ONPTA), under the supervision of the Ministry of Tourism. ONPTA actively supports our association by offering us, among other things, logistical resources such as the loan of a bus for our travel during our visits and activities in the field. This support is essential to enable us to reach the various tourist sites and carry out our initiatives to enhance and promote Chadian heritage.

On the other hand, we ensure close collaboration with local and regional authorities, whether under the direction of the Ministry of Tourism or the Ministry of the Environment. During each visit, we systematically include local authorities to ensure effective coordination and compliance with environmental guidelines. We also send a detailed report at the end of each activity to inform the ministries concerned of the actions undertaken, the results obtained, and recommendations for future initiatives.

In short, our relationships with the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of the Environment are excellent, and their support is crucial for the success of our projects. Their collaboration allows us to better structure our actions, ensure effective logistical coverage, and strengthen the impact of our efforts in tourism promotion and environmental preservation in Chad.


Chad's tourism potential is one of the largest and most diverse in Africa and it is far from being exploited. How do you plan to contribute to it?

Chad has immense and diverse tourism potential, with landscapes ranging from majestic deserts to picturesque lakes, including national parks rich in biodiversity. However, this potential remains largely untapped. Chad Volunteers Organization is determined to actively contribute to the enhancement and promotion of this unique heritage.

We intend to achieve this through several strategic axes:

1. Visits and Discoveries: We regularly organize guided tours and expeditions to the country's major tourist sites, such as national parks, lakes, and protected areas. These activities not only allow participants to discover these natural wonders, but also raise awareness among Chadians of the richness of their heritage and the importance of its preservation.

2. National and International Promotion: Through our communication platforms, we highlight the tourist sites of Chad to attract not only Chadians, but also foreign visitors. Our partnerships with international NGOs and our participation in forums and events on sustainable tourism strengthen our visibility on an international scale.

3. Preservation Awareness: We associate each visit with awareness-raising actions on environmental protection and biodiversity. By educating visitors on the importance of preserving these sites for future generations, we contribute to more sustainable tourism operations that respect the ecosystem.

4. Involvement of Local Communities: We work closely with local communities by integrating community activities during our visits. We offer school supplies, cleaning products, and other essential items, while encouraging these communities to get involved in preserving and enhancing their environment.

5. Collaborations with the Authorities: Our collaboration with the Ministries of Tourism and the Environment, as well as the National Office for the Promotion of Tourism, Crafts and the Arts (ONPTA), strengthens our actions on the ground. By working hand in hand with local and national authorities, we ensure effective coordination and greater reach of our initiatives.

If you have a message for Chadians or those who do not yet know Chad and its tourist sites, what would you tell them?

Chad is a country rich in exceptional natural and cultural diversity, still unknown to many. From the desert expanses of the Sahara to the enchanting lakes of Ounianga, including national parks sheltering unique wildlife, our country is full of priceless treasures. Yet these wonders are often underexploited and threatened by neglect and lack of visibility.

Young people of Chad, we invite you to join Chad Volunteers Organization to discover, protect and promote these treasures. Together, we can make a difference by exploring our country, sharing its beauty with the world and raising awareness in our communities of the importance of preserving this heritage for future generations. Your energy, passion and commitment are essential for Chad to shine on the international stage.

To local and national authorities, we encourage you to get even more involved in the promotion and preservation of our heritage. Your support is crucial to strengthen local initiatives and to put in place effective policies that will protect our tourist sites while making them accessible to a greater number of visitors. Together, we can transform Chad's tourism potential into a source of national pride and sustainable economic development.

Dear friends from around the world, If you have not yet had the opportunity to discover Chad, we warmly invite you to come and explore this fascinating country, a true jewel of Central Africa. Chad offers magnificent landscapes, rich and varied cultures, and unique biodiversity just waiting to be discovered.

Whether you are passionate about nature, curious about authentic cultures, or simply looking for an adventure off the beaten track, Chad promises you unforgettable experiences. Our national parks, such as Zakouma and Ennedi, are home to spectacular wildlife, while our lakes and mountains offer surreal vistas

We, Chad Volunteers Organization, would be delighted to welcome you and guide you through these wonders. Join us on our expeditions to discover the hidden treasures of this country, meet its friendly inhabitants, and participate in the protection of this exceptional environment.

To NGOs and donors, we call on you to support our vision. Chad Volunteers Organization, in partnership with institutions such as ONPTA and other local actors, works tirelessly to promote the natural and cultural riches of Chad. Your financial, technical and logistical assistance will allow us to expand our impact, reach more communities, and promote Chad on the international stage. We are ready to work closely with you to make our country a leading tourist destination, while ensuring the sustainability of our actions.

Together, we can build a future where Chad is recognized for its beauty, its diversity, and the hospitality of its people. Join us on this exciting adventure to explore, protect, and share the wonders of our country with the world.

Interview realized by Daniel Yaoni

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Communication Afrique Destinations