Communication Afrique Destinations

SOCIETY/GABON - Employment, unemployment: The PNPE unveils its strategic action plan and private employment statistics to the supervisory authority

Puanne Paulin Moussounda and his deputy presenting the strategic action plan to Minister Adrien Nguema Mba. © Gabon Review

The three-year strategic action plan 2024-2026 called "Reinventing employment" and the statistics of the National Employment Promotion Center (PNPE) were presented on September 3 to the Minister of Labor and the Fight against Unemployment, Adrien Nguema Mba. The document presented by the Director General of the structure, Puanne Paulin Moussounda, sets the course and objectives for the next three years, just as the private employment statistics made it possible, with supporting figures, to assess developments or declines.

The National Employment Promotion Center (PNPE), whose mission is to facilitate access to employment for job seekers on the one hand, but also to identify and provide adequate human resources to employers on the other hand, is projected to the forefront to contribute to implementing public policies in this area. To achieve this, the general management has developed a three-year strategic action plan, 2024-2026, called "Reinventing employment". A text listing the main areas of action and initiatives to be carried out as part of facilitating the search for employment and recruitment in Gabon, it was presented on September 3 to the supervising minister, Adrien Nguema Mba.

In addition to this document, the general director of the PNPE and his deputy also presented the key figures of this structure, the secular arm of the State in the fight against unemployment, job search and provision of adequate human resources to employers. Presenting this document, Puanne Paulin Moussounda noted that "this reference tool [...] will now set the course and guarantee the qualitative leap to optimize employability mechanisms linked to the expectations of the Transition". He also noted that this is necessary since "despite the multiple efforts made by our country, the unemployment curve of compatriots is not the most brilliant". Produced under the recommendations of the Minister of Labor and the Fight against Unemployment, this Action Plan is in line with the imperatives of the Committee for the Transition for the Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), in reference to the Transition Development Plan. The strategic action plan of the PNPE is therefore based on three axes, namely "characterizing the activity pools and economic operators; generating new jobs through professional integration and retraining and promoting the activity pools and the jobs generated". Puanne Paulin Moussounda said that "it allows us to go even further and consolidate the acquired knowledge".

"We can no longer continue to train young people in French schools"

Overall, the text "aims to research, explore and single out points of activity likely to significantly increase the jobs to be created within companies already established and those to come by interacting on the expansion strategy of these companies, the mechanisms provided for by the law and the promotion of natural resources with high added value on a national scale, that is to say in a provincial and departmental dimension", he explained.

Very studious during the presentation, Adrien Nguema Mba welcomed the initiative and the involvement of the Center for Studies and Research in Political and Prospective Geosciences (Cergep) of the Omar-Bongo University (UOB) in this project. He invited to review the training so that "when students leave universities, they find a job". "We cannot have more than 10,000 job seekers and bring in workers from abroad," regretted the head of the ministerial department for the fight against unemployment.

At the same time, he prescribed that companies list the qualifications they need so that these profiles are trained to fill these jobs. "We can no longer continue to train young people in French schools," said the Minister for the fight against unemployment.

For statistics, we note that from August 30, 2023 to August 2, 2024, 28,691 job seekers registered for the PNPE. The demand mapping shows that the Estuaire province alone concentrates a rate of 67.63% of job seekers compared to 32.37% for the rest of the country, divided as follows: Woleu-Ntem 15.01%; Ogooué-Maritime 9.43%; Haut-Ogooué 5.65%; Nyanga 0.89%; Ogooué-Lolo 0.46%; Ngounié 0.40%; Ogooué-Ivindo 2.29%; Moyen-Ogooué 0.19%. “In other words, the provincial capitals where companies are strongly established have a strong presence of job seekers,” said Paulin Puanne Moussounda.

By Désiré-Clitandre Dzonteu


Gabon Review (GABON

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Communication Afrique Destinations