Communication Afrique Destinations

TRANSPORT/GABON - Technical visit: non-compliant operators in the sights of Samtac and Syltteg

For Samtac and Syltteg, like Gabon Autosur, the Libreville approved auto assessment center is no longer authorized to issue technical inspection documents to vehicles. © D.R.

Main unions of the Transport administration and land transporters in Gabon, Samtac and Syltteg initiated on Monday April 29 an unannounced visit to Gabon Autosur and the approved auto assessment center, two operators specializing in the issuance of technical inspection documents for vehicles which they accuse of showing little regard for the standards in force, despite their agreement with the State.

They are well established in terms of establishing vehicle permits in Gabon. Specializing in technical inspections, Gabon Autosur and the approved auto assessment center are not, however, popular with the Union of Agents of the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation (Samtac) and the Free Union of Land Transporters (Syltteg) which gives them made an unannounced visit on Monday. The two economic operators are accused of not playing fair and of endangering the lives of many road users in the country by using unorthodox practices.

President of Samtac, Michel N’nang Letogho, also assures that they have “devices which no longer meet the standards” for the service they offer. A situation which leads the two trade union organizations to ask the authorities for “the definitive termination of the two agreements linking the Gabonese State to these two operators”.

President of Syltteg, Jean Robert Menié, for his part indicated that, more than making him gain money, Gabon Autosur and approved auto balance center are causing the Gabonese State to lose money due to accidents caused by “visits fraudulent techniques” that these establishments issue. The union leader, however, announces that he and his ally will now “police” land carriers to force them to have proper technical inspection certificates.

By Griffin Ondo Nzuey

Source :

Gabon Review (GABON)

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Communication Afrique Destinations