Communication Afrique Destinations

CULTURE/LITERATURE: A Sao of letters wins the Filiga prize for African literary commitment

Dr Attié Djoud Djar-Nalby, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Letters at the University of N'Djamena
Dr Attié Djoud Djar-Nalby, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Letters at the University of N'Djamena

A career teacher and vice dean of the Faculty of Letters at the University of N’Djamena, Dr Attié Djoud Djar-Nalby is a writer, author of several books. He has just won a literary prize in Gabon.

It is as a writer that the man of letters represented Chad in Libreville, Gabon at the very first edition of the international festival of Gabonese books and the arts, Filiga. “It is to salute his immense contribution to African literature that this prize is awarded to him”, can we read on the certificate which had been issued to him for this purpose. Attié Djouid Djar-Nalby, is a prolific author who has 8 books to his credit.

For the recipient, this award is recognition that encourages them to produce more. “I am very satisfied because many people travel and do not necessarily bring in prizes. But in recent years, the ''Sao du livre'' have come back with prizes", confides the lucky winner who does not hide his joy: "it is a very immense joy and this prize, I dedicate it to all Chadians ".

By Abgué Boukar Christophe

Le Pays (TCHAD)

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Communication Afrique Destinations