Communication Afrique Destinations

CULTURE/BOOK – BENIN: He is a Priest, he is a writer, he is a writer and he is above all courageous.

There are people who show the courage that we all lack, there are people who show the bravery that we are all incapable of in a country where the practice of freedom of expression becomes more of a risk than a right.

With a plump appearance, a face as expressive and serious as that of the top of the class, a reassured demeanor, a restrained, calm and monotonous tone, Father Éric Aguenounon is one of those people who show courage and bravery in a Benin where denouncing democratic excesses becomes a serious risk.

He is a friend, a good friend, he is a priest and a philosopher, still and above all a craftsman of democracy at whose bedside he teems with intellectual initiatives to get it out of the rut in which it has been kept by a false concept of development that would be antinomic to its full blossoming.

Among his intellectual initiatives, the recent publication under the orders of his pen of POWER OF DENIAL, CHRONICLE OF AN ASSUMED DEMOCRATure.

I also recommend this book, which I have on order. The book says what we all think and fail to say. The book diagnoses what we all see as abnormal without having the courage to denounce it, so let us make this courageous work a breviary for the democratic surge.

By Constant Sinzogan

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Communication Afrique Destinations