Communication Afrique Destinations

SOCIETY/DR CONGO - DRC Mining Week 2024: Kibali Gold Mine commits record investment to renewable energy

“Projects for a transition to 100% renewable energies”. This is the experience shared by Kibali Gold Mine at the opening of DRC Mining Week, this Wednesday, June 12, 2024, in Lubumbashi, capital of Haut-Katanga. Through the electrical engineer, Jean-Paul Ilunga Mbayo, this mining company of the Barrick Gold Group described its solutions to the problem of the energy deficit which is increasingly posing a problem for the mining industry in the DRC.

Energy sources and evolution over time…

Indeed, recalls the engineer, the Kibali gold mine began its operation with a thermal power plant composed of diesel generators with a total capacity of 43 MW.

In 2015, it initiated a transition to green energy with the aim of reducing its dependence on generators, reducing energy production costs and reducing carbon emissions.

Investments have included:

– The Nzoro 2 hydroelectric power station: 22 MW, 2015.

– The Ambarau Hydroelectric Power Plant: 10.3 MW, mid-2016

– The Azambi hydroelectric power station: 10.1 MW, end of 2018.

Stability of the Kibali Gold Mine Microgrid…

The mine's energy demand averages 43MW with an oscillation of plus or minus 4 MW every 1.5 minutes due to the vertical shaft winch, creating generator load variations.

To stabilize the network, a battery energy storage system was put in place, absorbing negative peaks in demand and providing energy during positive peaks, while keeping the generator load stable.

This had the effect of significantly reducing the number of generators running and maximizing hydro production and consequently reducing energy costs.

Solar Power Plant Project with Battery Storage System

Inspired by the success of the Barrick Sister mine in Mali, Kibali Gold Mine launched, in 2020, a feasibility study for a 19 MWp solar power plant (PV), 16 MW energy, with 15 MW/30 MWh system battery energy storage.

It is in 2024 that the project will be implemented on the site of the Ambarau hydroelectric power station over an area of ​​42 hectares. However, its commissioning is planned for the 2nd quarter of 2025

Regarding the economic advantages of this system, he cites, in particular:

– The development of an energy model for 10-year forecasts, return on investment in 6 years with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 21%;

– Projected annual savings of $11.34 million.

Kibali Energy Investments for the Future

Jean-Paul Ilunga reveals: “Kibali aims to achieve 100% green energy by investing in innovative energy infrastructure”.

He already presents the projects planned for the years to come:

1. Hydrogen Project: Its objective is to produce hydrogen to improve the efficiency of generators and reduce fuel consumption by 10 to 12%.

2. Upgrade of the Nzoro 1 Power Plant: This involves increasing its capacity from 600 kW to 4 MW for increased production…

3. Water Storage Basin for the Nzoro 2 Power Plant to increase energy production during the dry season to improve the availability of renewable energy all year round.

4. New Hydroelectric Sites: Here the strategy is to prepare sites for new power plants to meet the increasing energy demand.

Located in the north-east of the DRC, 300 km east of Isiro (capital of the Haut-Uele province) and 150 km west of Arua (Ugandan border town), the Kibali Mine is a joint venture between Barrick, AngloGold Ashanti Limited and Société Parastatique de Kilo-Moto.

Tchèques Bukasa


Congo Profond (RD CONGO)


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Communication Afrique Destinations