Communication Afrique Destinations

CULTURE/MUSIC - Vivi Makado: “We can see many musical styles emerging, like the one I created…”

Vivi Makado is an artist, singer and percussionist musician from Ivory Coast, and more precisely from the village of Gbatta located in the West, in the Tonkpi region. Through her music, she has been able to combine modernism and tradition to create quite original fusion music. And that’s what makes its trademark. AFRIQUE Destinations met her. Read her Interview instead.

AFRIQUE Destinations: First of all, to start this interview, who is Vivi Makado for the public or our readers?

Vivi Makado: Vivi Makado is an endearing woman, an artist singer and musician who is making her mark. I am originally from Ivory Coast, more precisely, from the west of the country, from the 18 mountains region.

How did you get into music?

For the love of music.

As far back as you can remember, was there anything that predestined you to become an artist-musician?

Born by traditional musicians, dad and mom singers, I already had the DNA of music. I grew up in the musical sphere, attending choirs. Then, I sang in piano bars, orchestras, notably that of RTI (Radio Télévision Ivoirienne, Editor’s note : Ivory Radio and Television) and, after numerous collaborations with great artists, I joined the female group Bella Mondo in 2012.

Vivi Makado has the distinction of not only singing, but also being a percussionist. Where does this passion for percussion come from?

Even when I was little, I was impressed by traditional Dan percussion. My father played it with his band and I learned to really love this instrument without daring to practice it. As my career progressed, I felt the need to associate this instrument which is an integral part of Dan music. It was also a way, by reappropriating an instrument generally associated with men, of aligning my passion with my feminist convictions. By following this idea, by introducing the wind, a tool used for harvesting rice, to make it an instrument, I affirm both my commitment and my originality as a musician.

The kind of music you make can be described as a fusion between modernism and tradition. Is there an explanation for this choice other than the need to explore different worlds and introduce the traditional music of Ivory Coast?

The reason that pushed me is that I wanted to bring my contribution, my stone to the building of what Ivorian musical culture already is, as well as a new vision, another light on my region, my country and my continent.

As an artist, how many albums do you have to your credit to date and what can you tell us about them?

I released an album in 2020 called Ayiyalo, which means “the time has come”. I chose this title because I felt it was time to go solo and thus pursue my aspiration to highlight my Dan culture, but also African cultures more generally. This album is made up of eight original tracks for which I wrote the lyrics. Then, the music was born from exchanges between the musicians and myself. The arrangements are signed Mr. Abou Bassa and Cyril Bokobri. In 2023, I released a single independent from the album, My beautiful region, in which I highlight the beauty of the tourist sites, the gastronomy, the textile crafts and the dances and customs of my region. This title benefited from the arrangements of Mr. Koné Fontaly and was recorded at Studio Trompette. It was a great success not only with the Ivorian public, but also with foreigners. The clip has also encouraged many tourists to come and discover the 18 mountains region for themselves.

In your eyes, how do you assess the evolution of music in Ivory Coast, particularly in recent years?

In recent years, I have seen a clear evolution in Ivorian music which is successfully exporting internationally. And this, even if there is still progress to be made. We can see many musical styles emerging, like the one I created, Dan fusion called Tématé Jazz, or codijazz and others which give a different image of Ivorian music, exploring other horizons than zouglou or coupé-décalé and ivory rap.

Could we know what Vivi Makado's current projects are?

I have several projects in preparation. In addition to participating in festivals, I am working on my second album and I am preparing a big show for December 2024. However, I do not want to reveal too much about this show, which will remain a surprise for the moment. I also created an association, Arts,Tourism, Education, with which I fight against sexist and sexual violence, genital mutilation committed on young girls and all forms of abuse against children. Every child has the right to an education and to go to school. Through the association, I also highlight the different tourist sites of Ivory Coast.

What would you say to young women who would be tempted to launch themselves into the profession of artist-musician, but who are still hesitant to take the plunge?

I will simply tell them to go for it if they are really passionate because it won't be easy, but it is doable if you are committed and organized. You should also know that it is a true priesthood, that it represents a lot of work and sacrifices. I would also like to point out that being a woman artist means respecting yourself and you not only have to know how to assert yourself and be recognized for your talent.

If you had a message to send to the public and in particular to your fans, but also to those who don't yet know you, what would you say?

I want to thank my fans who have supported me since the beginning. To those who do not yet know me, I invite them onto my bridge of vines by going to the pages of my various networks and to legal download platforms so that they can discover my musical universe.

Interview realized by Serge Félix N’N’Piénikoua

*This article has been translated from French into English by Marcus Boni Teiga

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Communication Afrique Destinations