Communication Afrique Destinations

CULTURE/DRC - Music: 5 years later, the DRC remembers Lutumba Simaro

March 30, 2019-2024, it has been exactly five (5) years, to the day, since the Congolese musician artist Lutumba Ndomanueno Simaro Masiya left us.

On the occasion of this sad day, the world of music remembers this renowned singer, guitarist and composer, Lutumba Simaro, who knew how to write and compose songs of great richness, imbued with images, depth and life.

As the leader of the musical group Bana OK, Lutumba Simaro died at the age of 81 in 2019 in Paris, France. Throughout his life, this artist distinguished himself by the creation of successful hits which are true poems, such as “Fifi nazali innocent”, “Mabele”, “Broken glass”, “Maya”, “Ebale ya Zaire“, and many others.

Probably the best author of Congolese music, Lutumba stood out for his sensitivity, his depth and the writing of his songs, while maintaining a humility and modesty rare in the world of Congolese music.

It should be noted that the poet Lutumba Simaro confided during a conference organized by young people from Barumbu that once he had finished writing a song, he submitted the text to the criticism of a simple neighbor. music lover before bringing it to rehearsals. The artist appreciated the wisdom and life philosophy of his neighbor, and thus modified his texts according to his advice.

Many political figures paid tribute to this artist in Kinshasa, where his remains were repatriated at the end of April 2019. The current president, Félix Tshisekedi, laid a wreath of flowers in front of the mortal remains of this poet at the People's Palace.

Cedrick Sadiki Mbala


Congo Profond (RD CONGO)


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Communication Afrique Destinations