Communication Afrique Destinations

CULTURE/BOOK: AN IMPRESCRIPTABLE HEART Diary of a Deserter by Orazio Maria Valastro

Orazio Maria Valastro is passionate about the biographical and autobiographical genre. Thrinakìa, the International Prize for autobiographical, biographical and poetic writings dedicated to Sicily to which he has devoted himself for several years, is the most eloquent illustration of this. For once, it is told through a work which has just been published, starting from the plot of a desertion from the military service of his country.

The book entitled AN IMPRESCRIPTIBLE HEART Diary of a Deserter (UN COEUR IMPRESCRIPTIBLE Journal d’un déserteur) by Orazio Maria Valastro published by Editions L'Harmattan and Prefaced by Martín Guevara Duarte is not without causing a lot of saliva and ink to flow. Especially in these uncertain times in the world where the horizon is darkening everywhere. But it has the advantage of posing a problem as old as humanity and just as current. Like this diary, many questions arise, both existential and philosophical. Questions of human fears, duties or reasons: what is the right measure and who is the ultimate master?

“I write with an imprescriptible heart my diary, the diary of a deserter. I deserted for several years refusing to perform compulsory military service. The passage of time has never been sufficient to erase the crime, that of repeated desertion, considered one of the most serious military offenses, nor the convictions resulting from it. Only an automatic exemption from military service put an end to this condition with absolute leave while labeling me a sociopath. Reaching the age limit, which exempts military obligations towards the Italian Army in peacetime, would also have allowed this. While confining myself to the status of evader until the expiration of the limitation period, i.e. five years after my forty-fifth birthday .

It is in these terms that the author, Orazio Maria Valastro, begins his Foreword. And he does not hesitate to defend his freedom of conscience. By feeling no repentance for the offense for which he was condemned in his time. Indeed, in Italy, compulsory military service was only abolished at the end of 2004. Through this captivating story, the author draws you into his world in this Italy of the 1980s through his personal story, his experience of military prison, his escape abroad and the treatment he suffered there at the hands of ambiguous institutional figures, and gives the reasons for his vicissitudes: “I wish to unlearn the violence gradually instilled in our hearts by feelings of inadequacy and distrust. I am a young European who dreams neither of conquests nor triumphs, who does not claim fortune by disseminating badges and standards”.

Orazio Maria Valastro is Doctor in Sociology and independent researcher. Born in Catania in 1962. Affiliated with the International Society of Mythanalysis (Montreal-Quebec) Since 2002, he has been the Scientific Director of the electronic publications of M @ GM @, an international journal in the humanities and social sciences edited by the Catania Process Communications Observatory, and the M @ GM @ Papers Collection edited by Aracne of Rome, who has been directing and animating since 2005 the Ateliers de l'imaginaire autobiographique, a social and cultural animation project accompanying the storytelling. and self-writing (Organization of volunteering The stars in the pocket, Catania)

In 2012 he created Thrinakìa, an international prize for autobiographical, biographical and poetic writings dedicated to Sicily, with a doctorate in sociology in 2011, at the Paul Valéry University of Montpellier, with a thesis on autobiographical writing "Biography and mythobiography of self." He holds a degree Orat in Sociology (2011) at the Paul Valéry University Montpellier III, and a Master's degree in sociology (1995) at the University Paris Descartes. He graduated in Theory and Qualitative Analysis in Social Research (2000) at the University La Sapienza in Rome, and in Social Promotion and Prevention of Social Exclusion (2000) at the University of Urbino. He graduated from the Autonomous University of Autobiography of Anghiari (2006) in Autobiographical Formation in relational writings of care.

  • UN COEUR IMPRESCRIPTIBLE Journal d’un déserteur
  • Date de publication : 18 juillet 2024
  • Broché - format : 13,5 x 21,5 cm • 146 pages
  • Langue : français
  • ISBN : 978-2-336-47291-1
  • EAN13 : 9782336472911
  • EAN PDF : 9782336472928
  • (Imprimé en France)

Par Marcus Boni Teiga


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Communication Afrique Destinations