Communication Afrique Destinations

TRIBUNE - BENIN: Police gangsterism in the service of misguided justice.

On the night of August 12, 2024 in Lomé, Togo, individuals, certainly armed, rushed on a man, beating him in violent circumstances, to kidnap him manu-militari.

In the process, relatives of Mr. Steve AMOUSSOU alerted public opinion through various channels of his kidnapping by an unidentified commando.

He would be mistaken for Brother HOUNVI, a famous political columnist whose outings have an echo that gives insomnia to Power in Benin.

A few days later, Mr. Steve AMOUSSOU's lawyers met their client in the premises of the OCRC, Central Office for the Repression of Cybercrime, investigative service of the prosecution of the Court for the Repression of Economic Offenses and Terrorism, CRIET, in Cotonou, Benin.

The link between the kidnappers of Lomé and the judicial services of Benin is made.

On Tuesday August 20, 2024, the Special Prosecutor at CRIET, notifies Mr. Steve AMOUSSOU, taken to be Brother HOUNVI, of the charges of: “... harassment by electronic means, initiation and publication of false news, of direct provocation to rebellion. »

So they came to this?

Barbouzard methods to kidnap an individual against whom there is no warrant, neither to arrest nor to take away.

And what's more, by incursion into foreign territory.

Did it happen there too?

Who gave the order to the commando who carried out this kidnapping?

The services of the Special Prosecutor at CRIET therefore endorse this kidnapping operation by proceeding with the indictment and warrant of deposition of Mr. Steve AMOUSSOU, "... [without respect] of the rules governing criminal prosecution..." as stated underlines the Beninese Bar Association, in a press release dated August 20, 2024.

Where are they going with these thug methods?

Therefore, because some agents have the means of writing and public force, they can sponsor, execute the kidnapping, sequestration and summary conviction of citizens for reasons for which they alone would be the ones to decide on their qualifications. ?

So, if my writings did not please some “all-powerful” person at a time, people would be chasing me, to force me to follow them, with the aim of having me condemned under false charges of harassment by electronically or other nonsense?

So that’s where you’re going?

The child who wants to prevent his mother from sleeping must know that he will not have any respite either.

Let's just go there.

By Charly Teddy

*This article has been translated from French into English by Marcus Boni Teiga


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Communication Afrique Destinations