Communication Afrique Destinations

BENIN - 64 years of Independence: WHAT DO WE CELEBRATE ?

August 1, 1960/August 1, 2024; 64 years since Benin was declared independent; hear, free from colonial tutelage; and therefore invested in managing itself by its own citizens, and by its own governance.

So far, where are we with this patriotic mission?

After 21 Presidencies of Benin, including 5 military coups, which themselves generated micro transfers of power as incredible as they are burlesque, have we charted a path to real independence?

Looking at some images of the celebration of the highly symbolic anniversary, I wondered if it was a stocktaking exercise; if by the gathering of those who “count” in the country, to whom are added distinguished guests, to attend a parade, we celebrated a success of objectives.

That at the end of the display of splendor and glitz which adorn this event, each Beninese, at home, will savor the benefit of a common improvement in the quality of life; certainly in front of a guaranteed meal.

That health coverage for my compatriot living in Zinvié is assured as much as for her compatriot who travels on the asphalt roads of Cotonou.

That social housing programs must have reached the hamlets of Tanguieta.

That school programs are training and learning paths to access knowledge guaranteeing employment and autonomy of individual resources.

May the governance projects which follow one another to the rhythm of state presidencies now ensure a prosperous national economy for the country.

That the fruit of the thousands of billions of francs of investment in the name of the country is managed with complete integrity for the benefit of each Beninese and all.

That the security of the “dignitaries” who work for the country is not to the detriment of those for whom they work and to whom they owe their imperative mandates.

Because in the countries which invented the commemoration of this type of anniversary, the opportunity is there to deploy and demonstrate success; it is the moment to celebrate the organization and military security which is the armed arm of their political and economic governance.

Thus, they speak to each other and address opposing third parties.

A military parade here, by mimicry, obeys which elements of language?

Who are we addressing?

At home, given our realities, our pressing needs, any demonstration of force can only be against political misery, which itself is the source of all our ills.

On occasion, if the circumstances were mine, it would be a Republican meeting, to take stock and take stock of the management of the common good.

It is only to this end that we will advise whether the hundreds of millions of our francs spent to celebrate “independence day” will not be more justified to guarantee our compatriots in bonds of detention, conditions prisons that respect their rights and human dignity.

By Charly Teddy

*This article has been translated from French into English by Marcus Boni Teiga

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Communication Afrique Destinations